
Alert Dialog

A modal confirmation dialog that interrupts the user and expects a response.

<Button color="red">Revoke access</Button>
<AlertDialog.Content style={{ maxWidth: 450 }}>
<AlertDialog.Title>Revoke access</AlertDialog.Title>
<AlertDialog.Description size="2">
Are you sure? This application will no longer be accessible and any
existing sessions will be expired.
<Flex gap="3" mt="4" justify="end">
<Button variant="soft" color="gray">
<Button variant="solid" color="red">
Revoke access

API Reference

This component inherits parts and props from the Radix Alert Dialog primitive and is visually identical to Dialog, though with differing semantics and behavior.


Contains all the parts of the dialog.


Wraps the control that will open the dialog.


Contains the content of the dialog. This component is based on the div element.

sizeResponsive<"1" | "2" | "3" | "4">"3"


An accessible title that is announced when the dialog is opened. This part is based on the Heading component with a pre-defined font size and leading trim on top.


An optional accessible description that is announced when the dialog is opened. This part is based on the Text component with a pre-defined font size.

If you want to remove the description entirely, remove this part and pass aria-describedby={undefined} to Dialog.Content.


Wraps the control that will close the dialog. This should be distinguished visually from the Cancel control.


Wraps the control that will close the dialog. This should be distinguished visually from the Action control.


With inset content

Use the Inset component to align content flush with the sides of the dialog.

<Button color="red">Delete users</Button>
<AlertDialog.Content style={{ maxWidth: 500 }}>
<AlertDialog.Title>Delete Users</AlertDialog.Title>
<AlertDialog.Description size="2">
Are you sure you want to delete these users? This action is permanent and
cannot be undone.
<Inset side="x" my="5">
<Table.ColumnHeaderCell>Full name</Table.ColumnHeaderCell>
<Table.RowHeaderCell>Danilo Sousa</Table.RowHeaderCell>
<Table.RowHeaderCell>Zahra Ambessa</Table.RowHeaderCell>
<Flex gap="3" justify="end">
<Button variant="soft" color="gray">
<Button color="red">Delete users</Button>